About the Saby Oqulary project

As part of its new project to promote children's literature in the Kazakh language "Saby oqulary", our foundation began cooperation with the well-known Almaty publishing house Steppe & World Publishing. It specializes in publishing books exclusively for the Kazakh-speaking audience. The company's catalog contains world bestsellers translated into Kazakh for children, teenagers and adults.As part of its new project to promote children's literature in the Kazakh language "Saby oqulary", our foundation began cooperation with the well-known Almaty publishing house Steppe & World Publishing. It specializes in publishing books exclusively for the Kazakh-speaking audience. The company's catalog contains world bestsellers translated into Kazakh for children, teenagers and adults.

Especially for our project, the publishing house will provide more than 800 of the most interesting and popular books free of charge. Together with the collection of fairy tales by Dilda Matai kyzy, which our foundation published twice, they will be distributed to children's social institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The preservation and development of Kazakh culture is one of the important goals of Saby, which has been implemented in various projects of the foundation for many years. So, in 2012, with the support of Christie's auction house, the foundation organized a grandiose exhibition of ancient Kazakh jewelry in New York. The event was a real discovery of the culture of Kazakhstan for the Western public. Also, for 11 years, we held a poetry competition in the state language and published several collections of poems by young Kazakh poets. And in order to popularize national instrumental music in 2021, the foundation launched the first republican dombra competition "Dombyra-Dastan".

"A true patriot is always proud of his country, no matter what it is and no matter how many difficulties it faces. We, Kazakhstanis, were lucky in this matter - we have a vast land, a deep history, a rich culture, and beautiful nature. We honor and love our homeland.

And our rich and deep language reflects the spirit and soul of our people.

"Saby oqulary" project organized by our Foundation is our small contribution to the recognition of Kazakh speech art", - Aselle Tasmagambetova.

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Saby oqulary project

Dear friends, colleagues and partners of the Saby Foundation! We are pleased to announce that on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of our foundation, we are launching a project to promote children's literature in the…

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Robotics Center for Uralsk

In 2021, the Saby Foundation launched a project to organize Robotics Centers in the regions of Kazakhstan, within the framework of which a major overhaul and equipping of modern robotics classrooms in educational institutions of…

Education program